Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota

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Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer, Lilloa 22: 401 (1951) [1949]

Agaricus bombycinus Schaeff., Fung. bavar. palat. nasc. (Ratisbonae) 1: 42 (1762)
Volvaria bombycina (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., Führ. Pilzk. (Zwickau): 99 (1871)

Habitat: On decayed wood, usually large fallen or standing trunks or stumps, occasionally from knotholes or branch scars on living trees. Usually on Ulmus spp., less frequently on Fagus. Rarely on Acer pseudoplatanus, Aesculus, Betula spp., Crataegus monogyna, Fraxinus, Malus, Quercus and Populus spp. Single collections on a large decayed basidiome of Ganoderma australe and from an occupied wasps’ nest.

Notes: Rather rare, but strongly influenced by the epidemic of Dutch elm disease especially in southern England where for a time it became locally abundant. Single records for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Distribution: E: o, S: !, NI: !

Vouchers: England: K(M) 54157; Scotland: E00159315

Descriptions, Lists & Icons:
D+I:, in Breitenbach, J., Kränzlin, F., Fungi of Switzerland Agarics, 2nd part: Entolomataceae, Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Bolbitiaceae 4: 368 pp. (1995), p. 134, pl. 128

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