Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota

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Conocybe arrhenii (Fr.) Kits van Wav., Persoonia 6: 147 (1970)

Pholiota togularis sensu auct.
Agaricus mesodactylius Berk. & Broome, Sp. pl. 2: 1171 (1753)
Agaricus arrhenii Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol. (Uppsala): 161 (1838) [1836-1838]
Pholiota arrhenii (Fr.) S. Imai, J. Fac. agric., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. Sapporo 43: 185 (1938)
Pholiotina arrhenii (Fr.) Singer, Beih. Sydowia 7: 77 (1973)

Habitat: On soil in woodland, parkland and along tracks or roadsides.

Notes: Occasional but widespread. Often confused with other annulate species of Conocybe.

Distribution: E: o, S: o, W: o, NI: o, ROI: o

Vouchers: England: K(M) 64236; Scotland: K(M) 97586; Wales: K(M 97584; NI: K(M) 83261; ROI: K(M) 97586

Descriptions, Lists & Icons:
D+I:, in Breitenbach, J., Kränzlin, F., Fungi of Switzerland Agarics, 2nd part: Entolomataceae, Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Bolbitiaceae 4: 368 pp. (1995), p. 314, pl. 398
D:, in Hansen, I. & Knudsen, H., Nordic Macromycetes Polyporales, Boletales, Agaricales, Russulales. 2: 474 pp. (1992), p. 273
I:, in Courtecuisse. R. & Duhem. B., Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe: 480 pp. (1995), as Pholiotina arrhenii, p. 363
D:, in Watling, R., British Fungus Flora. Agarics and Boleti: 3 Bolbitiaceae: Agrocybe, Bolbitiusand Conocybe 3: 138 pp. (1982), p. 91

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