Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota

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Russula gracillima Jul. Schäff., Z. Pilzk. 10: 105 (1931)

Habitat: On soil in mixed deciduous woodland, usually associated with Betula spp. and occasionally reported with Fagus.

Notes: Occasional but widespread.

Distribution: E: o, S: o, W: !, NI: !

Vouchers: England: K(M) 60054; Scotland: K(M) 109132; Wales: K(M) 109131; NI: K(M) 81327

Descriptions, Lists & Icons:
I:, in Courtecuisse. R. & Duhem. B., Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe: 480 pp. (1995), p. 377
D+I:, in Galli, R., Le Russule: 480 pp. (1996), p. 234-235
D+I:, in Sarnari, M., Monografia Illustrata del Genere Russula in Europe (Tomo Primo) 1: 799 pp. (1998), p. 656-661

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